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Stewardship Leader Podcast

The Stewardship Leader Podcast

Tune in to our Christian Stewardship Network Podcast with host, and CSN President, Leo Sabo. Each episode focuses on topical aspects of stewardship and generosity, featuring interviews with church and stewardship leaders and relevant content to equip and inspire. Building an effective Stewardship and Generosity Ministry takes time, dedication, and gaining knowledge and insight from those who have done it. Join us for the Stewardship Leader podcast and take your ministry to the next level.

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Business Ownership CSN Business Ownership CSN

A Christian Theology of Business Ownership with Bill English

What does the Bible say about owning a business or entrepreneurship, and how can a business owner ensure their role aligns with Biblical theology? In this episode, we speak with Bill English, the author of A Christian Theology of Business Ownership: An Introduction for Christian Entrepreneurs on What the Bible Says About Owning a Business, to gain a better understanding of God’s perspective on business ownership.

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A Closer Look at Charting Your Legacy Small Group Study with Dan Nicewander

Deciding which content to use for discipling your people in Biblical stewardship and generosity can be daunting. There is no curriculum or study that can serve every member of your church. In this episode of Stewardship Leader, we discuss Charting Your Legacy Small Group Study, a study developed by Compass: finances God’s way, to help you determine how this study can be used in your specific ministry.

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Strategies for Impacting the Next Generation

How can the church come alongside the next generation to help them steward their finances and help them grow spiritually, and realize the importance of biblical stewardship in God’s Kingdom? In this episode, we discuss the perspective, strengths, and challenges of millennials related to finance and stewardship so that we can develop strategies that will draw them in and create a powerful generation of passionate givers.

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Increase Generosity Through Discipleship

Discipleship should always be our motivation, especially when we’re addressing topics like money and giving. Do these for any other reason, and the results will more than likely not go well. In this episode of Stewardship Leader, Jim Wise, Sr. Partner and Sr. Private Wealth Advisor at Ronald Blue Trust, shares his perspective from his years of training church and ministry leaders on discipling their donors.

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Tithing/Giving CSN Tithing/Giving CSN

Answering the Tithe Question

One of the most challenging topics to talk about is tithing. There are many opinions on the topic, and everyone, whether for or against tithing, is passionate about sharing their thoughts, including us. At our most recent 2021 CSN Forum, Chris Goulard and I (Leo) had the opportunity to co-teach a breakout session on tithing. In this episode, we’re sharing that recorded session with you and some additional thoughts on why tithing matters today.

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Increase Engagement - Multiply Results

We know that good stewardship and generosity are important traits of a true disciple of Jesus Christ. Yet, so few churches intentionally work to equip their people with these essential skills. The result is lackluster engagement and commitment, especially in the area of generosity and service. In this episode of Stewardship Leader, we talk with Chris Willard and Greg Morris from Elevate Group, an organization built to equip and train church leaders to increase the engagement and commitment of their members to a greater level of service and generosity.

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Financial Discipleship - Investing in Eternity

Discipleship is crucial to Christianity. We are called to be disciples of Jesus and follow him in all that we do, including the way we manage finances. In his recently released book, Financial Discipleship - Investing In Eternity, author Peter Briscoe invites us on a journey of financial discipleship and shows us why finances are so vital to our intimacy and devotion to Christ.

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Why Financial Discipleship?

Financial stewardship and generosity are terms we hear all the time, but we all have different definitions and understandings of what they mean. In this episode of Stewardship Leader, we talk with Brandon Sieben about financial discipleship and why it can enhance and improve our understanding and application of financial stewardship and generosity.

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Giving CSN Giving CSN

The two obstacles to tithing for Christians

Over the years, I've met many Christians who don't tithe. There are two main reasons for this, and I'll share my thoughts on them in this podcast. But first, let me be clear, it's not my job to convince you to tithe. Actually, it's no one's job except for the Holy Spirit. So, I'm not telling you to tithe, but I am asking you to do what I did, study it, and ask God for clarity, then do what He tells you to do.

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Spiritual Growth CSN Spiritual Growth CSN

The Journey to True Stewardship with Marcus Hall

To be a faithful steward requires knowledge, commitment, and action. The journey isn’t easy, especially in our materialistic culture. Although committed to doing things God’s way, we often take back control of the things God has entrusted to us. In this episode, we talk with author Marcus Hall and his devotional book that lays out a path to true and consistent stewardship.

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Giving CSN Giving CSN

What do you do when there's a drop in giving at your church?

What do you do when the giving at your church is good for 20+ years and then there’s a sudden significant drop? In this episode of Stewardship Leader, we talk with Crossroad’s Rob Seddon and Kirsten Schwartz to find out what they learned and what they’re doing to address this and a much more important issue.

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Making the Most Out of This Challenging Season

Ministry and the way we’re doing it these days has changed. The challenges to financial discipleship during this “social distancing” season are many, but there are also great opportunities. In this episode of Stewardship Leader, we talk with Blair Graham, stewardship pastor at The Summit Church, in Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina, to learn how they’ve adapted to these current challenges.

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Spiritual Growth CSN Spiritual Growth CSN

Growing Through Disaster

Based on a recent survey by the Lilly School of Philanthropy, church leaders believe stewardship would be the most significant challenge for recovery from the current effect of the COVID 19 pandemic. In this episode of Stewardship Leader, Rev. Dr. Clayton Smith joins us to discuss what church leader can do to help their church and their faith community navigate a way to recovery.

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Idolatry and Materialism

Most people would say idol worship is almost non-existent today, especially in modern western civilizations. After all, people don’t bow down to statues anymore, or do they? It is rare to see anyone bow down to a statue, or offer prayers and burn incense to a figurine, at least not in our part of the world, but that doesn’t discount that idolatry is more prevalent today than in past generations. In this episode of Stewardship Leader, we discuss what modern idolatry and materialism look like, how to recognize it, and, most importantly, how to resist it.

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Estate Planning CSN Estate Planning CSN

Establishing a lasting legacy for your church

Your church has a unique vision, which God wants to fulfill. It’s about legacy and ensuring that this vision is supported and that it carries on from generation to generation. An estate planning ministry helps to ensure your legacy will carry on while providing a much-needed service to your church family members. In this episode of Stewardship Leader, Mike Prior from Financial Planning Ministry explains how an estate planning ministry can be a tremendous benefit to your members now and to your church for years to come.

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Discipleship CSN Discipleship CSN

Generosity Discipleship with Todd McMichen

Few subjects challenge us more than giving, especially in our abundance-driven culture. How do we, as pastors and stewardship leaders, guide and disciple our people in this vital area? In this episode of Stewardship Leader, we talk with Todd McMichen, Director of Generosity at Lifeway Christian Resources, to learn their strategy and the resources they've developed to help pastors disciple in generosity.

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Interview with Brandon Sieben, Compass -Finances God's Way

For those of us who have been around stewardship ministry for a while, Compass-finances God's way, and its' founder Howard Dayton, are well known to us. For the rest of you, you're about to be introduced to a tremendous ministry! Compass, although only ten years old, has roots that go back many decades. In this episode of Stewardship Leader, we interview Brandon Sieben, the new President, and CEO, to learn what Compass is doing in this new season to resource pastors and stewardship leaders, and empower them to promote financial discipleship.

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How To Be A Better Presenter

We have the privilege to present and teach on one of the most important topics we face in our generation. It is the topic of money and possessions and how they impact our daily lives, our relationship with God, and our relationship with each other. Should we not do the very best job possible? In this episode of Stewardship Leader, we discuss the keys to being a better presenter so that your message has a powerful and transformational impact.

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