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Stewardship Leader Podcast
The Stewardship Leader Podcast
Tune in to our Christian Stewardship Network Podcast with host, and CSN President, Leo Sabo. Each episode focuses on topical aspects of stewardship and generosity, featuring interviews with church and stewardship leaders and relevant content to equip and inspire. Building an effective Stewardship and Generosity Ministry takes time, dedication, and gaining knowledge and insight from those who have done it. Join us for the Stewardship Leader podcast and take your ministry to the next level.
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Thriving In Love & Money with Shaunti Feldhahn
If you’ve been married for even a short period of time, you’ve had at least one money fight. What if you could really “get” where your spouse is coming from when it comes to money - and they could “get” you? In this episode of Stewardship Leader, Shaunti Feldhahn talks about her and her husband Jeff’s new book, Thriving In Love & Money, and the research that has led them to the 5 distinct factors that tend to be running beneath the surface of money issues in marriage. Their book and the additional resources they’ve created will prove invaluable as you minister to the couples in your church.
How to Get Staff Buy-In
One of the greatest challenges and missed opportunities to your ministry is getting your church staff to understand and buy into the message of stewardship and generosity. You know that if they REALLY get stewardship, it will have a significant and transforming impact on your people, your church, and your culture. So why don’t they buy-in? In this episode of Stewardship Insights, we talk about the biggest reasons for not getting staff buy-in and what you can do to begin turning that tide.
Revealing the Symptoms of Mammon's Influence
Perhaps the most significant negative influence modern-day Christianity faces today is the influence of the spirit of mammon. In our wealth-driven society, no other spirit is as prevalent, nor seems to be more potent than this spirit. In this episode of Stewardship Leader, we reveal the ten symptoms of mammon’s influence, to help you understand its power and how you can overcome it.
What Programs Should You Offer Through Your Stewardship Ministry?
You’ve got a real passion for helping people to learn and live out God’s Biblical principles of finance. But, knowing what programs you should offer to accomplish this can be difficult. In this episode of Stewardship Insights, we explore the components that should be part of every stewardship ministry’s programs.
Dear Senior Pastor,
The responsibility of spiritual leaders, especially senior pastors, can be a heavy burden to carry. This weight becomes even more burdensome when people in their churches do not produce good fruit. Wouldn’t it be great to know what causes unfruitfulness in God’s people? In this episode of Stewardship Leader, we’ll discover what Jesus said causes a lack of fruit in the people of God, and what church leaders, especially senior pastors, can do to about it.
Should Your Church Have An Estate Planning Program?
Did you know that 60% of Americans die without a Will or a Trust to direct what should happen to their assets? What, if anything, should the church do to better prepare people for this final stewardship decision? In this episode of Stewardship Insights, we explore the church's role and its opportunity through estate planning.
Strategies for Greater Ministry Impact
Good communication, great content, and more opportunities are things we all want in our ministries. To maximize the opportunities we have we need to plan, execute, learn, and then do it again. What worked in the past most likely won’t work as well in the future. In this episode of Stewardship Leader, we discuss why it’s important to apply creative and innovative ways to share the stewardship message.
Understanding and Equipping the Next Generation
Millennials get a bad rap for being self-centered, entitled, lazy, and privileged. I think there may be some truth to that, but what past generation didn't behave similarly at their age? I believe our focus on the negative may have caused us to miss some of the best things about this next generation. In this episode of Stewardship Insights, I'm joined by a millennial to get her perspective and to learn how we, as stewardship leaders, can make a big difference in the lives of this next generation.
Measuring the Impact of Your Ministry Programs
A healthy stewardship ministry offers a variety of programs that meet the needs of its church members. How do you know if the programs you offer are effective? Having high attendance is a good sign that people are interested in the topic, but it’s no guarantee that the program is serving people well. For that to occur you have to do more. In this episode of Stewardship Insights, Leo Sabo and David Thompson discuss 4 ways to measure the impact of your ministry program, and how to use that information to help your people grow in their stewardship and generosity.
Answering the Call to Stewardship Ministry
The call to serve in stewardship ministry is often filled with doubt and apprehension. Teaching on the topic of money is challenging enough, but much more when you have to do it in a church setting. In this episode of Stewardship Leader, we talk with Paola Easton, the Stewardship Pastor & Finance Director at Birmingham City Church in Birmingham, England. Her journey to becoming a stewardship pastor and guide BCC to becoming a more generous church will encourage, inspire, and renew your passion for serving in this vital ministry of stewardship and generosity.
Recruiting Great Stewardship Volunteers
According to Ephesians 4, the work of ministry done to edify the body of Christ is to be done by the saints, who are to be equipped by those in leadership. Because of this, our roles as stewardship ministry leaders is to recruit and equip great volunteers who will serve faithfully. In this episode of Stewardship Insight, Chris Goulard and Leo Sabo share some essential things to consider as you recruit and train stewardship volunteers.
Generosity or Stewardship? Which should you focus on first?
Have you noticed an increased focus on generosity lately? We’re seeing generosity being inspired through social media and online giving platforms like never before. It seems that generosity is in vogue, and we couldn’t be more pleased. But, there may be cause for concern if the only thing we talk about is giving.
Partnering with Other Ministries for Maximum Effectiveness
Reaching every member of your church with the message of Financial Stewardship is a challenge. Even if you’re doing weekend announcements, email blasts, or every other type of marketing strategy, getting every member to hear and respond is next to impossible. That’s why partnering with other ministries in your church is so crucial. In this episode of Stewardship Insights, Dave Briggs and Leo Sabo discuss the benefits and impact of partnering with the other ministries in your church for maximum effectiveness.
The Methodical Approach to Building A Stewardship Ministry
Whether you're stepping into an existing stewardship ministry or building one from the ground up, it takes patience and diligence to design an effective ministry that's going to change the culture of a church. In this episode of Stewardship Leader, Dave Briggs shares his approach to building the ministry at Central Christian Church in Mesa, Arizona, where he is the Stewardship Director.
Group Coaching - An Alternative to the One-on-one Coaching Program
No matter what ministry programs you use in your stewardship ministry, there are always a few people that need more one-on-one time to succeed. Therefore, a financial coaching ministry is a necessary part of your ministry. In this episode of Stewardship Insights, we look at the group coaching model as an alternative to one-on-one coaching.
Building A Comprehensive Stewardship Ministry
Imagine being reasonably new to stewardship and being asked to start a new stewardship ministry at your church? That’s precisely what happened to Steve Carter, the Stewardship Pastor at Southeast Christian Church in Louisville, Kentucky. In this engaging episode of Stewardship Leader, you’ll learn the step to building a comprehensive stewardship ministry, and hopefully, gain some insights that will help you in your own stewardship ministry building journey.
From Stingy to Generous to Discipling Others In Generosity
In this episode of Stewardship Leader, we're talking with Blair Graham, stewardship pastor at The Summit Church in Raleigh Durham, NC. Blair is passionate about using finances to lead people to a deeper relationship with Jesus. You'll appreciate his approach to starting the stewardship ministry at The Summit and how it developed over the first few years, and the insight he shared about running an effective stewardship ministry.
Why Your Church Needs A Stewardship Ministry
There's a real need for God's people to understand and apply Biblical financial principles to their lives. But, since most churches offer no ministry in this area, many people are left to learn this important topic from the world. In this first episode of 'Stewardship Insights,' we discuss a few reasons why you should have a stewardship ministry and how a stewardship leader can influence their senior leaders to embrace and support this ministry in their churches.
The Fundamentals of Stewardship Ministry
In this episode of Stewardship Leader, Chris Goulard, a 15-year stewardship veteran, shares the early days and some of the philosophies that went into building the Stewardship Ministry at Saddleback Church in Orange County, California. You’ll learn great insights into what it takes to start and run a thriving stewardship ministry that transforms your culture into a culture of generosity and good stewardship.
The Evolution of Gateway's Stewardship Ministry
Running a stewardship ministry isn’t t easy. Whether you’re a growing church with one location or a growing church with multiple locations, you have to be willing to adapt and change if you’re going to make a cultural impact. In this episode of Stewardship Leader, CSN speaks to David Thompson, Executive Pastor of Life Flow Ministries, about the ever-evolving stewardship ministry at Gateway Church, as they expand beyond ten campuses.