Talking about your money is both emotional and personal. The videos listed here will inspire you to pursue the truths about living in financial freedom and sharing these plain truths with those that you are leading.
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How to Preach on Money
For pastors, preaching on money can feel self-serving. After all, the pastor and staff are the first to benefit from the money given to a church. Most pastors have no intention of manipulating people to give, and it's the primary reason why they shy away from peaching on money. Unfortunately, not preaching on this topic leaves God's people ill-equipped to handle their wealth and possessions with a Biblical worldview. In this webinar, we'll show why preaching on money is vital to spiritual maturity, how to do it in a way that's beneficial and not manipulative, and the components that will ensure your message is theologically sound.
The Difference Between Stewardship and Generosity
Why are stewardship and generosity used interchangeably in the Church but nowhere else? You will never hear a business refer to the stewardship of its customers, employees, or products as an act of generosity. Yet, in the Church, they are often used synonymously as if they mean the same thing. Stewardship is the responsible management of resources, while generosity is an act of giving to others. A better way to state the difference is that generosity is about what you give away, and stewardship is what you do with what you keep. In this webinar, we will show the difference between Biblical stewardship and generosity, why they are essential teachings for every follower of Christ, and share effective methods church leaders can use to incorporate these teachings into their church's discipleship process.