The Purpose of Wealth
… Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things, Come and share your master's happiness! Matthew 25:21b (NIV)
It is an odd question for the son of a truck driver, who was the son of a sharecropper, to ask, but the question is valid: "What is the purpose of wealth?"
I understand there is a false presupposition that anyone who creates wealth is evil. This mindset comes from passages like "the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil" (1 Timothy 6:10), which is true. Nevertheless, the same book presents the wealthy man as the hero in the parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14-30). Also, Proverbs 13:22 reminds us that a "good man leaves an inheritance for their children's children."
“Indeed, the Jewish tradition views a person’s quest for profit and wealth to be inherently moral.”
Somehow, most Judeo-Christians do not have such a noble view of wealth creation. Many Christians see wealth creation as inherently depraved. Perhaps that needs to change, since if one considers wealth creation morally reprehensible, then making money and building wealth become something to avoid rather than achieved. And, without wealth, many Christian endeavors would be unattainable.
So what is the purpose of wealth? One very materialistic view is "he who dies with the most toys wins." But, in truth, he who does die with the most toys still dies. The "win" in wealth is not in toys. The "win" in wealth is found in the purpose of money.
What does God want us to do with our money?
God calls on us to give tithes and offerings (Malachi 3:7-12, Proverbs 3:9-10) to the local church. One of the most worshipful things a believer ever does is give. Giving is a matter of the heart. It is an act of love. We offer ourselves first, then give our wealth willingly, liberally, cheerfully, regularly, and proportionately (1 Corinthians 9:6-7 and 16:1-2, 2; 2 Corinthians 8:5, 12; 9:7). So the "win" in wealth is that our giving is greater.
God will often test us with our money. Be ready! (Luke 18 and 19, Joshua 7). There are many biblical examples of those who failed the test, and there are those who passed the test.
Will you pass the test?
Will you excel in the grace of giving? (2 Corinthians 2:8) Have you ever seen a U-Haul behind a hearse? Why do we try to keep that which we cannot keep? The win in a biblical understanding of wealth is passing the test.
God wants us to use our wealth to provide for our families (1 Timothy 5:8). There is great satisfaction and joy in taking care of your immediate family and those in your church family. I doubt anyone will ever recognize all the social welfare provided week after week by local houses of faith. The win in wealth is the ability to care for those you love.
Hospitality is opening your home to those you know and have deep relationships with and those with whom you have yet to build a friendship. It is not about your home being extravagant or humble; it is about it being used to spread Christ's love (Romans 12:13). Indeed, wealth allows us to practice the rich tradition of faith, providing for our family, and hosting friends in our homes.
Wealth allows us to fund Kingdom business (1 Kings 5-7; Luke 8:1-3). I look back at all the church expansions, Christian universities, missionaries, pregnancy centers, homeless shelters, medical missions, children's homes, etc. that I have had the joy to contribute to, and I smile. There is great contentment in being a part of the expansion of God's Kingdom.
While serving as an Executive Pastor, we were in a campaign. It was Sunday morning, and she made a beeline straight to me. I do not know how you feel, but when a church member on Sunday morning makes a beeline to me – often, it is not good news. She stopped, opened up her hands, and said – "The jerk left me years ago; it is about time this did something good again. " I looked and in her hand was the biggest diamond I had ever seen. So what did I do as Executive Pastor? I took it and sold it. And then we used it to fund the Kingdom.
Money matters. Wealth in the hands of a righteous man is noble. So whether you are a one-, two-, or five-talent person (Matthew 25:14-30), I pray you will be found faithful. I pray you will show an increase. May you hear the words, "Well done, you took what I gave you and created wealth."
Note: Adapted from the original publication, Perkins, D. C. (2017) Stay Focused: Living right, Thinking right.
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Written by: D. Clay Perkins, Ph.D.
Clay is the Executive Vice President of Financial Planning Ministry (FPM) in Irvine, California. FPM exists to fund ministry by educating families and facilitating generosity through planned giving. Clay is passionate about inspiring and facilitating biblical stewardship and generosity. He has served as President of Mid-Atlantic Christian University in NC, Senior Associate Minister at First Christian Church Ministries in NC, and in ministry in OH and GA. He is married to his wife, Sandra, for 41 years and they have two adult sons. Clay's favorite title is ‘Poppy’ to his two granddaughters.